

Joshua M. Epstein’s lecture on “Toward Cognitive Epidemiology”, Discussant: Ilaria Capua, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, 14 May 2024

Joshua M. Epstein’s lecture on “ Inverse Generative Social Science: Backward to the Future”, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, 06 May 2024

Joshua M. Epstein’s lecture on “Generative Social Science and Agent_Zero: A Formal Alternative to the Rational Actor”, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, 03 May 2024

Workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, 22 April 2024: morning session with Bianchi, Takacs, and Flache

Workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, 22 April 2024: morning session with Renzini, Badham, and Stadtfeld

Workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, 22 April 2024: afternoon session with Lubbers, Bojanowski & Chueca del Cerro

Workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, 22 April 2024: afternoon session with Steglich, Tolsma & Cowen

Workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, 23 April 2024: morning session with Lee, Zingora & Flache

Joshua M. Epstein (NYU School of Global Public Health, USA)’s invited talk on “Inverse Generative Social Science: From Intelligent Agent Design to the Blind Model Maker” at the Social Simulation Conference 2022, 12 September 2022

Damon Centola (University of Pennsylvania, USA)’s invited talk on “Complex centrality: Predicting influence in social networks”, Social Simulation Conference 2022, University of Milan, Italy, 14 September 2022

Gianluca Manzo (Sorbonne University) lectures on “ABM and network calibration” at the BEHAVE Summer School on Agent-Based Modelling, Advanced Course, 6 September 2021

Ernesto Carella lectures on “The model validation” at the BEHAVE Summer School on Agent-Based Modelling, Advanced Course, 10 September 2021

Lea Ellwardt talks on “The association between network structure and cognitive functioning: Theoretical and methodological considerations” at the Sociable Workshop on “Social infrastructure and cognitive abilities in an ageing population”, University of Milan & University of Brescia, 1 June 2021

Amaia Calderon Larrañaga talks on “Social Network, multimorbidity and physical function in old age: Insights from the Swedish National Study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K)” at the Sociable Workshop on “Social infrastructure and cognitive abilities in an ageing population”, 1 June 2021

Dr. Matteo Piolatto presents the results of a meta-analysis on the effect of social relationships on cognitive decay among older adults, Sociable Workshop on “Social Infrastructure and cognitive abilities in an ageing population”, 1 June 2021

Dr. Federico Bianchi talks on “Social networks and cognitive abilities in older adults: A population sample from Brescia, Italy” at the Sociable Workshop, University of Milan & University of Brescia, 1 June 2021

Prof. Flaminio Squazzoni giving the inaugural lecture on “The theory and methodology of agent-based modelling” of the BEHAVE Online Spring School on Agent-Based Modelling for Social Scientists on 19 April 2021

Dr. Federico Bianchi on a BEHAVE study on the role of scientific experts and politicians during the first wave of the COVID pandemic in Italy (9 April 2021; Italian)

Inaugural lecture on “Behavioural Sociology” to a class of MA Unimi students in Public and Corporate Communication, by Prof. Flaminio Squazzoni (25 September 2020)

Peering into peer-review with large-scale data from scholarly journals, a ReviewerCredits webinar by Prof. Flaminio Squazzoni (26 May 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Welcome by Gary Polhill (ESSA President), 14 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020: Invited Lecture by Joshua M. Epstein (New York University, USA), 18 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Lecture by Anima Anandkumar (Caltech, CA, USA), 15 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Lecture by Maja Schlüter (Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden), 14 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Lecture by Giulia Andrighetto (CNR, Rome, Italy), 16 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Lecture by Petra Ahrweiler (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany), 17 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Workshop on “Model Discovery” Chair: Robin Purshouse (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom), 17 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Workshop on “Games and Agent-Based Modelling” Chair: Timo Szczepanska (UiT The Artic University of Norway), 17 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Workshop on “The Boundaries of Agent-Based Modelling” Chairs: Raffaello Seri (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy) & Davide Secchi (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark), 17 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Workshop on “Integrating Quali and Quanti Evidence using Social Simulation”. Chairs Melania Borit (UiT The Artic University of Norway) & Bruce Edmonds (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK), 15 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Workshop on “Simulation in Economics”. Chairs: Juan Gabriel Brida & Emiliano Alvarez (Universidad de la República, Uruguay), 15 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Workshop on “Challenges of modelling complex health behaviour”. Chair: Alice MacLachlan (University of Glasgow, UK), 17 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”. Chairs: Filip Agneessens (University of Trento, Italy), Federico Bianchi (University of Milan, Italy), Andreas Flache (University of Groningen, Netherlands) & Károly Takács (Linköping University, Sweden), 15 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”. Chairs: Filip Agneessens (University of Trento, Italy), Federico Bianchi (University of Milan, Italy), Andreas Flache (University of Groningen, Netherlands) & Károly Takács (Linköping University, Sweden), 16 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”. Chairs: Filip Agneessens (University of Trento, Italy), Federico Bianchi (University of Milan, Italy), Andreas Flache (University of Groningen, Netherlands) & Károly Takács (Linköping University, Sweden), 17 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Workshop on “Simulation in Times of COVID”. Chairs: Harko Verhagen (Stockholm University, Sweden) & Alexis Drogoul (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement- IRD, France), 16 September 2020

Social Simulation Week 2020, Tutorial on “Best practices of making your computational models available for your future self (and others)”. Chairs: Marco Janssen, Allen Lee & Michael Barton (Arizona State University, United States), 16 September 2020

BEHAVE Summer School 2019 Lecture by Joshua M. Epstein (Brescia, September 2019)

BEHAVE Summer School 2019 Lecture by Tatiana Filatova (Brescia, September 2019)

BEHAVE Opening Workshop
Lab Presentation

Workshop Introduction by Prof. Flaminio Squazzoni (University of Milan)

Invited lecture on “Towards empirically more realistic simulation models of opinion dynamics” by Prof. Andreas Flache (University of Groningen)

Invited lecture on “Social Research in the Digital Age” by Prof. Matthew Salganik (Princeton University)

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