Flaminio Squazzoni
University of Milan
Department of Social and Political Sciences
Via Conservatorio 7, 20122 Milan
Phone: +390250321017
Email: flaminio.squazzoni@unimi.it.
Skype: flamscattone
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/flaminio-squazzoni-b8bbb25
X: @squazzoni
Latest publications:
Status, cognitive overload, and incomplete information in advice-seeking networks: An agent-based model (co-authors: Francesco Renzini & Federico Bianchi), Social Networks, 76, 150-159, 2024
Advances in Social Simulation. Proceedings of the 17th Social Simulation Conference, European Social Simulation Association, Cham: Springer, 2023. (Editor)
Structure of personal networks and cognitive abilities: A study on a sample of Italian older adults (co-authors: F Bianchi, M Piolatto, & A Marengoni), Social Networks, 74, 150-159, 2023
Peer review and gender bias: A study on 145 scholarly journals (co-authors Giangiacomo Bravo, Mike Farjam, Ana Marusic, Bahar Mehmani, Michael Willis, Aliaksandr Birukou, Pierpaolo Dondio andFrancisco Grimaldo), Science Advances, 7 (2) eabd0299 2021
Solidarity in collaboration networks when everyone competes for the strongest partner: a stochastic actor-based simulation model (co-authors Federico Bianchi and Andreas Flache), Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 2020
Flaminio Squazzoni is Professor of Sociology at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan and director of BehaveLab. He teaches “Behavioural Sociology”. Until November 2018, he has been Associate Professor of Economic Sociology at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Brescia, where he led the GECS-Research Group on Experimental and Computational Sociology.
He is editor of JASSS-Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, and member of the editorial boards of Research Integrity and Peer Review and Sistemi Intelligenti. He is advisory editor of the Wiley Series in Computational and Quantitative Social Science and the Springer Series in Computational Social Science, member of the executive board of CoMSES Net-The Network for Computational Modeling in Social and Ecological Sciences and advisory board member of ING’s ThinkForward Initiative. He collaborated with ReviewerCredits and Virtual B. He is former President of the European Social Simulation Association (Sept 2012/Sept 2016, since 2010 member of the Management Committee) and former Director of the NASP ESLS PhD Programme in Economic Sociology and Labour Studies (2015-2016).
In 2014-2018, he has chaired a very successful large-scale EU project, PEERE-New Frontiers of Peer Review (COST Action TD 1306), which was instrumental to the establishment of an interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral community of about 260 experts in peer review, including relevant publishers involved in an innovative effort of internal data sharing. He was also principal investigator of SOCIABLE-The Brescia Nexus: Social infrastructure and cognitive abilities in an ageing population, a two-year project funded by Cariplo Foundation, and co-investigator of “14ALL – One for all, all for one. Reputational mechanisms for aggression, revenge, and forgiveness in intergroup relationships”, a three-year project funded by MIUR (2019-2022).
His fields of research are behavioural sociology, economic sociology and sociology of science, with a particular interest on the effect of social norms and institutions on cooperation in decentralised, large-scale social systems. His research has a methodological focus, which lies in the intersection of experimental (lab) and computational (agent-based modelling) research.
He is author of Agent-Based Computational Sociology (Wiley, 2012), has published about 80 articles in peer-reviewed journals (including Nature Communications, Science Advances, Social Networks and Research Policy), has served as referee for many prestigious journals (including Science, The Lancet and The American Journal of Sociology) and many prestigious funding agencies (including ERC, European Science Foundation, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research and the Austrian Science Fund).
He has chaired the Second International Workshop EPOS on Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation (Brescia, 2006), The Fifth Conference of the European Social Simulation Association (Brescia, 2008) and the 28th ECMS-European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (Brescia, 2014). He has chaired the First ESSA Summer School in Social Simulation (Brescia, 2010) and chairs the annual series of Behave Summer School in Agent-Based Modelling for Social Scientists.
Here is Flaminio’s CV: Italian or English version. Here is his GoogleScholar, SCOPUS and ORCID profiles.