On 3 February 2024, at the University of Cagliari, Italy, Elena De Gioannis, postdoc in our team, has been granted the 2024 young scholar’s best paper award at the SISEC (Italian Association of Economic Sociology) 2024 conference. The award was assigned for the article entitled “Gender bias in the classroom: A network study on self and peer ability attribution”, published in Social Networks, Volume 72, January 2023, Pages 44-51 (co-authors: Federico Bianchi & Flaminio Squazzoni).
The article presents a network study on students from ten high school classes in Milan, Italy, where she investigated gender stereotypes shaping student expectations on performance. Results showed that females were more likely to be nominated for a reading competition but less likely for a science competition. Female students were less likely to nominate themselves for any competition, regardless of the subject, even controlling for their own performance and self-concept.