We are happy to welcome Raffaele Vacca in the Behave team!
Before joining us, he was Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Florida (UF) in the USA. Most of his work is concerned with social networks, migration, and health in Europe and the USA. He is also interested in the study of collaboration, communities and inequalities in science.
Among his recent publications:
The isolation paradox: A comparative study of social support and health across migrant generations in the U.S., Social Science & Medicine, Volume 283, August 2021, 114204 [with B. Bilecen]
Beyond ethnic solidarity: the diversity and specialisation of social ties in a stigmatised migrant minority, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 28 Mar 2021 [with David Cañarte & Tommaso Vitale]
Cross-classified Multilevel Models for Personal Networks: Detecting and Accounting for Overlapping Actors, Sociological Methods & Research, 2019, J0049124119882450 [with Jeanne-Marie R Stacciarini & Mark Tranmer]
Details here.